Weaning your baby onto solid foods is the first huge step of their development, and it can sometimes be hard to find the right time and the right foods that their baby will love. Typically babies should start weaning from around six months old, but before you get out the baby weaning set, make sure they can: stay sat down and keep their head steady, be able to pick up and put food in their mouth can swallow semi-solid and solid foods. Here are some top foods to try when weaning. Soft Cooked Fruit And Veg When weaning, it’s best to start by keeping it simple. Fruits and vegetables are always a great start, although you may need to mash them up or cook them so they are soft enough and small enough pieces for baby to easily eat. Broccoli, potato, carrot and apple are all great places to start, although be sure to make sure they are soft and cooled almost completely before offering it to your baby. Other than that, blended foods and baby foods in small amounts are also a good idea. Scrambled Eggs Once you have started getting your baby to try solid food, make sure your baby tries an extremely small amount of eggs, milk, and other foods that can cause allergies. Dairy foods, gluten, eggs, nuts and seeds, fish and shellfish, and soya should be tried in very small amounts and look for a reaction. If your baby has a diagnosed allergy, talk to your doctor first. Also Read: Top Tips For Weaning Your Baby